collage of photos illustrating the breadth of UMB research including children with toothbrushes, a map of Malawi, and bench science photos.

The Office of Research and Development (ORD) is the chief administrative unit and catalyst for advancing research and economic development at UMB.

One of the United States’ pre-eminent public research universities, the Íøºì±¬ÁÏ, Baltimore (UMB) and its investigators are driving medical, human health, life-science, societal, and legal advancements. In FY2024, the University received more than $638 million in awards from both for-profit and non-profit sponsors. With a longstanding commitment to collaboration and partnership with the global life-sciences industry, the University conducted over $75 million in corporate-sponsored research in FY2024 and, at the present time, the University is working with more than 300 bioscience and pharmaceutical firms.

ORD’s three departments — Clinical Trials and Corporate Contracts, Sponsored Programs Administration, and — provide a range of high-quality, comprehensive services to investigators. The specialized teams help foster new research and clinical initiatives with industry, federal, state, and other non-profit sponsors, secure and administer research funding, protect discoveries, and push innovations to market.

The team also manages a variety of collaborative initiatives — such as the and the — that encourage economic development in Baltimore City.

The UM BioPark
The , UMB’s 14-acre research park managed by ORD, draws industry-leading biotech and life-science firms from around the world. Located adjacent to UMB’s campus, BioPark tenant companies are able to easily collaborate with UMB’s renowned researchers, centers of excellence, and institutes.