The Office of University Policy and Procedures (UPP) is located within the Office of the Provost. This office provides a centralized hub for efficient management of University policies and procedures on campus.

UMB Office of University Policy and Procedures

What is the difference between a policy and a procedure? â–¾

A policy is a principle or protocol to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes, and is stated as intent. The policies included in the Library are intended to regulate and control organizational actions. They flow from policy at the University System of Maryland level, using a similar content organization and numbering system.

Procedures are customary methods of handling business. Procedures in the Library are routine business processes on campus that involve two or more departments working together to complete University goals. Documenting these separately from a policy allows for increased flexibility and responsiveness.

View the filterable, sortable Policies and Procedures Index.

Browse the Policies and Procedures Library

Building blocks being stacked

Policy Process


View the steps involved in developing or revising a policy, from the initial proposal to the final rollout. 

All policy and procedure proposals must be submitted through the UMB Policy Administration System for review and processing by the UMB Office of Policy and Procedures.

Please use the Policy App link to submit all proposals or revisions.

A lightbulb superimposed over hands typing

Policy App

The Policy Administration System (Policy App), is the online platform utilized for processing University policy creation and revision requests propose a new policy or a revision of a current policy. To access the system to submit a policy request or review your dashboard,  please click here to access  

News and Noteworthy

Policy and Procedure Updates

December 2024

Revised Policy: UMB Policy on Institutional Salary Faculty

In accordance with 2 CFR 200.430(h)(2), charges for work performed on Federal awards by faculty members during the academic year are allowable at the Institutional Base Salary (IBS) rate. Therefore, in all submissions for funding for sponsored work, the IBS is used as the salary of the employee. Institutional Base Salary may not be increased as a direct result of being awarded Federal grant funds or other grant or contract funds. Institutional Base Salary of an employee will not be increased or decreased during a fiscal year as a result of receipt or loss of salary support from grants, contracts, clinical income, and other revenues.

A Payable Institutional Salary, as well as an Institutional Base Salary, will be established for faculty and staff who will receive from UMB variable compensation as well as Institutional Base Salary during a fiscal year. Whenever an employee’s IBS changes, unless the change is due to mandated COLA and merit increases, a formal notification is sent to the employee which will state the new Institutional Base Salary and indicate anticipated sources of funding. Payable Institutional Salary is not reflected on funding applications and is subject to revision during a fiscal year consistent with the terms of the policies or approvals which authorize a change in salary component (e.g., faculty salary enhancement plans, faculty practice plans, approvals of bonuses for special duties).