
ICTR is affiliated with the
The Íøºì±¬ÁÏ Institute for Clinical & Translational Research

What is the UMB ICTR?

UMB Campuswide Initiative Providing Resources to Faculty, Predoctoral Students, and Postdoctoral Fellows to Support Clinical Translational Science.

The UMB ICTR is a campuswide clinical translational research initiative supported by the UMB campus and the powerful alliance with the JHU ICTR and NIH NCATS CTSA partnership. The UMB ICTR provides free resources, education and training, and grant funding to invigorate, facilitate, and accelerate clinical translational science to improve patient and community health. Questions about available resources? Email the ICTR Research Navigator.

and to The Elm Weekly for the latest Funding Opportunity Announcements, Training Grants, Enrichment Seminar Series Presentations and More.

ICTR Announcements

September 17, 2024  |  The ICTR Announces the Recipients of the K Mentored Career Development Award and T32 Pre- and Postdoctoral Training Grant Awardees!

June 18, 2024  |  The UMB ICTR is excited to announce that Dr. Kristen K. Coleman, our 2023 UMB/UMCP KL2 scholar, is now featured in a New York Times article! Her groundbreaking research on the risk of avian influenza transmission from cats to humans is gaining global recognition.

February 01, 2024  |  Want the latest ICTR announcements for Funding Opportunities, Training Grants, and More? Subscribe to Elm Weekly to receive the Elm Monday morning email, and check out the Research Funding and Training section. To subscribe, visit https://elm.umaryland.edu/, scroll to the bottom and select the SUBSCRIBE TO ELM WEEKLY. Email ICTR-Navigator@umaryland.edu to be added to the ICTR email list. For archived news, visit ...

January 18, 2024  |  The ICTR Congratulates Dr. Haseeb Zubair, the Nephrotic Syndrome KL2 Mentored Career Development Awardee!!

October 09, 2023  |  ICTR-supported campus collaboration yields scientific breakthrough in treating disease-causing inflammation! Dr. Jeffrey Hasday, School of Medicine, and Dr. Paul Shapiro, School of Pharmacy, were honored at Founders Week 2023: David J. Ramsay Entrepreneurs of the Year. The pair are honored for their discovery of a novel class of drugs that selectively inhibits an enzyme’s role in promoting disease-causing inflammation and has been licensed to GEn1E Lifesciences...

June 01, 2023  |  The ICTR Announces the Recipients of the KL2 Junior Faculty Mentored Career Development Award and the Pre- and Postdoctoral Training Grant Awardees!

May 16, 2023  |  The mission of the Íøºì±¬ÁÏ, Baltimore (UMB) Institute for Clinical & Translational Research (ICTR) Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) Core is to help the researcher move clinical translational research findings beyond the academic and scientific communities and out to the general community where it can have the most impact in reducing health outcome disparities...

ICTR Posted Events

UMB Campus Research-Related Events


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