INTRODUCING - UMB IRB Chair and HRPO/IRB Virtual Office Hours â–¾
This is an opportunity for the research community to speak directly to the IRB Chair and a member of the HRPO/IRB staff!! The 2nd Monday of every month from 12n to 1pm.

Questions???    Ask the Chair and HRPO Staff!

This is an opportunity for the research community to speak directly to the IRB Chair and a member of the HRPO/IRB staff!!

2nd Monday of every month from 12n to 1pm.

First session:   This Monday, October 14, 2024


(no RSVP required)

Human Research Protections (HRP) is a comprehensive program that affords protections for all human research participants and is under the direct leadership of the Vice President and Chief Accountability Officer. This website provides up-to-date information related to conducting research with human participants.

Institutional Official (IO), Dr. Susan Buskirk

The IO is responsible for ensuring that the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) functions effectively and that the institution provides the resources and support necessary to comply with all requirements applicable to research involving human subjects.     Dr. Buskirk's IO Appointment Letter

UMB HRP Components

The main focus here is to provide information, resources, and instructions for completing the review process through the IRB. While the IRB is a key player in the HRP program, there are many other components within UMB critically involved in protecting human participants. Click here to learn more.

What Can Be Found Here

For Researchers: This resource helps investigators design, write, and organize research protocols; maintain compliance with policies and regulations; create and submit IRB applications via CICERO.


HRP Office: Information regarding its role in coordinating the Human Research Protections Program and providing support for the UMB Institutional Review Board (IRB). Contact information and informatics regarding submission processing times.


Institutional Review Board (IRB): Information about the board and the executive members and their role in approving, monitoring, and reviewing biomedical and behavioral research involving humans.


For Research Participants: This section assists former, current, or prospective human research participants in obtaining information or offering input regarding research and clinical trials.


(Click to read all Past Announcements)

Recorded - UMB Research Compliance Strategic Plan Virtual Town Hall â–¾
December 3rd, 2024 - UMB Research Compliance strategic plan related to human, animal and laboratory research Virtual Town Hall.

TO: UMB Research Community:

A virtual town hall will be held for the UMB research community to provide feedback on the goals of the UMB Research Compliance strategic plan related to human, animal and laboratory research. Attendees may pose questions or comments personally or anonymously.  This listening opportunity is designed for your voice to be heard!

Dr. Robert Rosenthal, Assistant Vice Provost Research Compliance and Dr. Julie Doherty, Assistant Vice President, Research Compliance, will be there to facilitate. We are looking forward to your participation !!  

Link to recording:

Date:   December 3, 2024

STRATEGIC GOAL 1:  An efficient and effective research compliance program of the highest standards

STRATEGIC GOAL 2:  Comprehensive educational opportunities for all

STRATEGIC GOAL 3:  An inclusive and engaged research community

STRATEGIC GOAL 4: Innovative research enterprise

STRATEGIC GOAL 5: Ethical and compliant global research engagement

STRATEGIC GOAL 6: Security and Integrity of Research Data


Recorded: HRPO Virtual Grand Rounds: Single IRBs: What Needs to be Reported to UMB When Relying on an External IRB â–¾
Recorded HRPO Virtual Grand Rounds, Oct 30th, 2024

Please join us!!

Íøºì±¬ÁÏ Baltimore

Human Research Protections Program

Virtual Grand Rounds:

Single IRBs:  What Needs to be Reported to UMB When Relying on an External IRB

Presenter:  Julie Doherty, DM, MSN, RN, CIP, CCEP

Assistant Vice President, Research Compliance

October 30, 2024

1pm to 2pm

Recording Link:

Slides: Relying IRB--What Needs to be Reported RNI Oct. 30, 2024

Recorded Webinar: HRPO Virtual Grand Rounds: After IRB approval--What Needs to be Reported to the UMB IRB? â–¾
HRPO Virtual Grand Rounds, Oct 10th, 2024, 1:00 to 2:00 pm

Please join us!!

Íøºì±¬ÁÏ Baltimore

Human Research Protections Program

Virtual Grand Rounds

After IRB approval--What Needs to be Reported to the UMB IRB?

(A Review of UMB IRB HRPP Reportable New Information Submission requirements)

Presenter:  Julie Doherty, DM, MSN, RN, CIP, CCEP

Assistant Vice President, Research Compliance

October 10, 2024

1pm to 2pm

Recording Link:

Slides: Recorded Webinar Slides - Oct 10th, 2024 Grand Rounds

Recorded Webinar: HRPP Research Grand Rounds & SOCRA Baltimore â–¾
May 30th, 2024 12:00pm - PI and Study Staff Considerations for QA/Monitoring

Please join us!

5/30/2024 Seminar 12pm-1pm Virtual (Zoom)- Registration Required

Presentation:   PI and Study Staff Considerations for QA/Monitoring


Jill Kessler MS, MSL, CCRP

Senior Research Monitor

Johns Hopkins University

Learning Objectives:

  • Essential document review and importance during life of study
  • Preparing for a successful remote site visit
  • Common findings during IMVs and how to prevent (or resolve)

Recording Link:

Slides: Recorded Webinar Slides - May 30th, 2024 GR and SOCRA


Casey Jackson, MS, CCRP (she/they) 

Director, Research Quality Improvement and Compliance

Baltimore SOCRA Chapter Chair 

SOCRA National Board Director 

Recorded Webinar: Human Research Protection Program Research Grand Rounds â–¾
May 29th, 2024 2:00pm - Focus on the UMB IRB: Survey Results and Plans for Improvement

Please join us!!

UMB Human Research Protections Program Virtual Grand Rounds

UMB Research Compliance Coordinating Council Survey: Focus on the UMB IRB: Survey Results and Plans for Improvement

May 29, 2024  2pm-3pm

In the early Fall 2023, a survey was conducted that included a request for feedback on the UMB Institutional Review Board. This session will provide summary information on IRB survey feedback along with IRB plans for improvement in processes and procedures. Q&A session will be included.

Recording Link:

Robert Rosenthal, MD, Assistant Provost, Research Compliance

Julie Doherty, DM, MSN, CIP, CCEP, Assistant Vice President, Research Compliance

Jon Mark Hirshon, MD, PhD, UMB Institutional Review Board Chair

Jan Martinez, MS, CIP, CLSSGB, UMB Institutional Review Board Manager