
UMB CURE Scholars Program

The UMB CURE Scholars Program is a groundbreaking year-round program that seeks to empower middle school and high school students in West Baltimore for competitive and rewarding research, health care, and STEM-related career opportunities.
A CURE Scholar reflects on her project poster.
With a focus on academic and career success, UMB CURE Scholars is setting a path toward empowering students in Baltimore’s underserved and vulnerable communities. The program is committed to mentoring, training, and empowering students toward high academic achievement, college and career readiness, and a competitive and rewarding future in research, STEM, or health care professions.
CURE scholars working on a dental project.
By introducing students to these fields at a young age, UMB CURE Scholars hopes to inspire dedication to higher education and STEM careers that will empower the students and their community to help alleviate medical and educational disparities.
114 Total Scholars (active scholars & alumni), 35 CURE Graduates (Cohorts 1-2) | 163 Total College Acceptances, 60% GPA 3.0 or Higher, 1162 hours served by volunteers (2022-23)
The UMB CURE Scholars curriculum seeks to provide laboratory and research experiences for scholars that will equip them with the skills necessary to spark and grow their interests in STEM and health careers. We seek to provide a scaffolding approach that allows scholars to build upon the skills they learn each year to increase knowledge of STEM concepts and exposure to the endless possibilities for STEM and health care careers. UMB CURE Scholars attend after-school and Saturday sessions to engage in a variety of activities in various STEM fields. Scholars also engage with graduate students and faculty from our esteemed UMB campus who seek to provide firsthand knowledge of pathways to STEM and health care careers.


The UMB CURE Scholars Program has been featured in an acclaimed documentary series on Maryland Public Television (MPT) that follows CURE Scholars Shakeer Franklin, Tyler McKenzie, Princaya Sanders, Courtney Jacobs, and Davioin Hill as they continue their life journey and work to complete their education goals. The first film, From West Baltimore, was nominated for an Emmy Award by the National Capital Chesapeake Bay Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.
A poster teases 12th Grade: From West Baltimore, the fifth in a series of documentaries about five CURE Scholars.
The next four documentaries follow the five scholars from the eighth through 12th grades. The latest in the series, First Gen: From West Baltimore follows these high school graduates as they enter a world of competitive high stakes to make their dreams of college and professional degrees a reality. Watch the documentary series.


CURE Scholar Ayishat Yussuf
Ayishat Yussuf is attending Spelman College as a Bonner Scholar. She is studying biology on a pre-med track and plans to become a pediatrician.

“The CURE program has been very eye-opening to many STEM careers. It has challenged me to be the best person I can be and to give back to my community so I can leave a positive mark on the world. ”

Ayishat Yussuf, UMB CURE Scholar, Cohort 1
Shereen Farquharson
“CURE has prepared me for a lot. Having the privilege to dissect a cadaver’s knee was one of the coolest things I’ve done. It’s shocking that I did it in middle school, which was eye-opening for me. I was definitely going to be in the medical field. I am so proud to have been a part of this program that has provided me with so many opportunities for growth. It has opened up my eyes to what I can do with my future, and I am excited to see where I will go next. ”

Shereen Farquharson, UMB CURE Scholar, Cohort 2
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